2020 and What it Means to Me

Welcoming the New Year also means making resolutions for each one of us. Most, if not all are usually able to complete their promise to make a change in their habits, relationships, and most of all our finances.

I am one of those who lists down the things I resolve to change or improve in my life. Most of the time, I am able to go through with some of them but more often than not - I fail at it. 

Call it lack of discipline but also because I easily get swayed by other things around me that I end up saying, “tomorrow is another day.” 

Then another new year comes in and I end up adding more to my resolutions list. I chide myself for a few weeks but then come back to being my old lazy self. 

So this year, it may or may not be any different from the previous years. In other aspects that is. But since I welcomed Baby #4 before 2019 closed - I realized this is the year that I will mindfully fulfill all the things I resolved to do in the past. 

Let me share with you some of my New Year’s resolutions that I am trying with all my might to fulfill so that I won’t end up starting over from scratch each new year. 

  1. Pay my debts. Yes, I wouldn’t get to this age without having some debts accumulated along the way. I have put off paying some but then again I know that one of the keys to success is to pay off whatever I owe. I also want to gain back the trust that was lost when I asked my friends and family for help. 
  2. Start a small busines. This I have been doing on again and off again for some time now. I have ventured into small businesses that I usually end up getting tired of after a while specially when the going gets tough. So this year, I promise to start a small business and stick to it through thick and thin. 
  3. Finish a money challenge or a money saving challenge. I recently purchased a 50k challenge coinbank from Kids Furniture Ph. Basically, it is a wooden bill and coin box with a checklist at the back. There, you will have to check how much money you already have saved so you will know if you are on track. Really, it is a tool that will motivate you to finally start saving the old school way
  4. Travel with my kids. The purpose of me doing the money challenge is so that I could come up with enough travel funds so I can take my kids somewhere fun. It could be domestic or international, I’m not sure yet, but I definitely want to experience travelling with my whales at some point in both our lives. I am going to start collecting memories with them. 
  5. Be a better parent. I know there is no sure formula to being a good mother to our children. But I resolve to become a more relaxed mom. I have to stop yelling at my whales but instead start putting myself in their shoes. I want to be the hero they look at me as so that they will know that they’re loved and protected all the time. 
  6. Stop my bad habits. I hope that I will be able to quit smoking so I will live longer for my whales. I also resolve to reach my ideal weight so that I will be a fit and healthy mom that my kids will be sure I’ll be around for a long time. You see,  I already starter cutting down on sugar and eating less portions. I just really hope that I’ll be able to maintain it.
  7. Be kinder. I want to be able to stop being so impatient that I end up snapping at people who only want to help me or be friends with me. Kindness after all is free.
  8. Be wiser in choosing friends. I want to be able to better discern the intentions of other people towards me. I resolve to be less gullible and be more wise in accepting people who want to become a part of my life. 
  9. Practice “less is more”. I vow to declutter my life both from material things that I don’t really need and people who don’t really want to be a part of my struggles and success. I could have a few but I will make sure they’re of good quality. 
  10. Love more. I resolve to be more loving to my family, friends, and my work. I want to be able to live more with love and compassion and to understand that though loving others can be painful, it is also one of the most rewarding things to do in life. 
Better late than never. A prosperous 2020 to all of you! 🎉
2020 will be a year where I hope all of my resolutions, prayers, and my heart’s desires all come true. This year also means that I now have 4 other lives to think of whenever I have to make choices in life. Along with my resolutions - I will also BREATHE. I will work hard for the things I vow to change yet I will also step back and not kill myself doing it.

My list actually goes on and on yet I am only sharing the ones whom I think are the same for you and me. So, let’s wish one another the best of luck this year, ayt? 

We all want a more prosperous, peaceful, and blessed life, right? How about you? What are your resolutions for the year 2020 and how do you intend to make it come true? Share in the comments! 

Rolled Into One Mom

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