Bits & Pieces of "Everything" I Needed To Know | Professional Blogging Summit by #DPOP

"Don't HATE what you don't understand...Don't BASH what you don't know anything about." 

I love learning new things. I believe it helps me develop into someone more reliable and knowledgeable, especially about this passion that I have chosen to turn into a career. I was priveledged to be invited to an event that supports my hunger for learning. That is the Professional Blogging Summit By #DPOP. An event that aims to discuss 4 topics essential to a successful blogging career.

guess the odds were in my favor too as the event was held at a venue very accessible to me - at the A-Venue Mall, Makati. ( This is the second time for me, attending an event by #DPOP and as always, Jeoff Solas ( warmly welcomed me like an old friend. I knew then that the event was off to a good start. 

                             I loved the decor so I took a photo of this nook. 😄

Janette of opened the event with the usual introductions then it was fast forward to the first of the 4 topics that was needed to be discussed. I listed down some of the bits and pieces of the talk that stayed with me and I'll keep in mind moving forward.

Topic #1 Handling Conflicts and Intrigues

I am new to the blogosphere. Though I have started blogging as a hobby way back 2004, I was never fully aware that like in politics, being a blogger subjects us to conflicts with other bloggers too. So when they introduced Ross Del Rosario of, I was stupefied at how much he had gone through to get to where he is now. 

Also, I learned that being a newbie or veteran in the industry shouldn't make you lose sight of your principles. You should never grovel for clients to get your services and you should always consider friendships over getting that deal. 

I learned that though there are people who will step on your dreams, it is up to you to overcome it by believing in yourself and what you can do. He mentioned that he is still going through the bashing and the hating and I realized, he's one tough cookie. He'll survive.

After Ross, Azrael Coladilla of it took the mic and pointed out the importance of professionalism, open communication and collaboration. He taught me that it pays to have a team that will vouch for you and help you. It's learning from your mistakes and the mistakes of other people that will save you from getting into trouble. 

Topic #2 Blogger Ethics and Social Media

JL Aquino,an entertainment blogger mainly talked about humility and being yourself. And I'm sure his experiences in handling social media accounts for big named celebrities entail a lot of those since it could either make or break the career of his clients. At this day and age where everything you pose can either be accepted positively or negatively, it's crucial to make professional and wise choices. Again, think, before you click. 

The term gatecrashing was used a lot by the speakers, and from what I understand, it's coming uninvited to private events. Obviously, it is a no-no for bloggers like you and me. It's better to arrive expected than be looked at like a leper (just an expression) by people who don't really know why you're there in the first place. 

Topic #3 From Blogger To Celebrity Blogger

Joseph Cham of shared how he transisitioned from an ordinary blogger to a celebrity blogger. It's visibility and originality he shared, that got him to his current status. There were four things he talked about that could probably ensure the same to other bloggers:

*Be nice to everyone
*Post consistently and with good quality
*Be up to date on the latest trends

Probably one of the most enjoyable talks for the day was by Mr. Jeoff Solas of and The PR Friendly Blogger. This type of blogger he says, blogs about his passions, does his homework and pays attention to the subject. What better way to make it in this competitive world than having good principles and being reliable on the subject you are blogging about, right? 

Topic #4 From Blogger To An Online Entrepreneur

Off all the talks I was able to relate with, it was the topic discussed by Sai Montes of Being an online seller myself, keeping up and staying afloat in the online selling business has always been an issue to me. My Instagram shop was established in 2012 and still, sales are not as high as it used to be when I started it. 

Anyways, her lessons about the basics of selling and planning your posts shed some light on the problem I have been encountering in selling online. I realized, it was a stroke of luck that I stayed all throughout the event as my original plan was to stay up until 3pm only. 

To those who are planning to establish an online business too, here are the contents you can post to draw followers to your account:

*Funny Quotes
*Share your crafts

       Sai sharing her best practices which results to the success of her online shop selling 
      cosmetics from INGLOT PHILIPPINES and swimwears (

The Wrap Up

I went home content and happy for being able to attend the Professional Blogging Summit by #DPOP. I realized that it doesn't really matter how long I have been in the industry, what's important is that I keep challenging myself to continue being original, writing quality posts and to keep holding on to my passion. 

Having people like Ms. Janette Toral (, Jeoff Solas ( and all the speakers was a bonus too! I know that there are people who will be able to guide me to make sure I am doing it right! 

Special thanks to generous sponsors like Salad Box (, Pro Friends (, Island Rose ( and the perfect venue for parties, seminars and summits like the Professional Blogging Summit by #DPOP (

I opened this with a quote I derived from all the speakers which sometimes, being human I forget to practice in life and I repeat, to make it in this growing and competitive industry:

"Don't HATE what you don't understand, Don't BASH what you don't know anything about." 

That's me with Mommies Millie ( and Janice (

Rolled Into One Mom


  1. Awww...I already reached my "quota" on the number of events I signed up for the month, I had to hold myself back from signing up for this.

    I'm glad to find so many feedback blogs on the summit, I'm just reading up to pick up as much as I can

    1. mommy may, i would say you missed a lot but then again, you are already so good so you didn't really missed much :-)

  2. Thank you Nhessie for joining us in this event. Glad you enjoyed it.

    1. always looking forward to all your events janette! thanks too!

