For some reason and a surpirisng twist of fate ( maybe my compass has gone astray ), I am now a mother - and a single one at that! I guess it's true what they say, "Sometimes, the wrong choices bring you to the right places". So, here I am, on a path I planned but never really saw coming swiftly.
I am never the same.
From the couldn't care less, childish girl that I used to be - here are 10 things, valuable things, that motherhood has taught me:
1. The stealth moves. When the baby is asleep, I have learned to do everything in stealth mode. Around the perimeter of his crib, anything remotely close to sounding loud enough to wake him, even farting, happens as quietly as possible. To get every chore done, the boy must be asleep or else the chance will pass me by.
2. You need to have endless patience. Especially, when you have a rambunctious one year old who sleeps at 6am and throws every pillow he has on the crib just for the pleasure of seeing you pick it up one by one repeatedly.
3. You will never sweat the small stuff - ever again. In connection with #2, aside from having endless patience, you will find that having nothing to wear, being home on a friday night, people gossiping about you, nobody noticing that you cleaned the house spotless becomes a poor second to worrying about a rash on your kids' forehead, a fever that won't go down, the milk running out and payday is light years' away. You will start to realize that the world has suddenly stopped revolving around you and there's this one tiny person whos whole life depends upon you.
4. Sleeping becomes a luxury. Getting a shut eye in between feeding, bathing and changing diapers is a luxury that becomes so hard to achieve. When the kid decides to stay up till 6am, you have no choice but to stay up too. One trick I have learned to master, whenever he is asleep - I take advantage of the moment to sleep too.
5. It is OK to ask for help. This is where the godparents especially the grandparents role come in handy. You need not be "wonder mother of the year". The godparents are going to be their second parents, that's why we choose them with care because we know that one day, they'll become more than just people who give your child gifts during christmas. Grandparents, well, it's like they are genetically obligated to take over when you need a breather. Just remember to play the "i need sometime off" card strategically. 😄
6. It is OK to make mistakes. I repeat, you need not be "wonder mother of the year". Trial and error method is applicable to parenthood at some point or another. Do not be so hard on yourself.
7. It is OK to be scared and clueless. There is no roadmap to parenthood. There is no magic potion to take whenever you have zero clue about what you are doing. You can do thorough research for preparation but you will never, ever know how it's like until you are in the situation.
8. It is OK to want more. Motherhood is not the end all and be all of womanhood. It is okay to still want more, to become somebody else besides being somebody's mother. Do not feel guilty if you still want to pursue a career, go back to school or put up a business.
Everything will happen in its' own perfect time. You need patience and you need to prepare once you decide to pursue other careers. This is where a support system will come in handy.
9. It is OK to take a break. Going on vacation once in while with friends, going out for a drink or two or going to the mall alone sometimes is not something you need to feel guilty about. You can never take a break from being a mother, but you can always take time for yourself as a human being. It's not slacking off as a parent or being inhuman, it is normal. It is essential for your sanity. Just make sure to leave your child with a responsible adult you trust wholly.
10. Loving your child is an unconcious decision you will make over and over in your life. No matter how tired you get, no matter how happy you are in other people's company - you will always, always have your child in your thoughts. You count moments and hours until you are finally with them again.
I could go on and on about the wonders of being a mom, it is hard, it is incredible, it is a blessing but these 10 things help me get by whenever I find myself surprised that I am where I am now.
There is a little boy who needs me and depends on me and it feels like I have been chosen for a task- a task that will never finish until my boy decides that he no longer needs me in his life and until then, I will never ever regret being his mom and I will never ever quit being the only person in the world who will love him with all my heart and soul.
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